FastTCP and SSC – A Short Meditation

While we’re all oohing and ahhing over CalTech’s FastTCP bulk transfers and record busting using their new TCP congestion control – interesting paper (finally) by Jin/Wei/Low – contrast this with friendly rival Stanford’s protocol high-speed TCP that changes the fairness (I find it interesting and provides some new ideas). Are either likely to impact anyone’s use of the Internet in the next decade, anymore than studying cold fusion?

I’m struck by how all this “record busting” may be a mere sideshow in the scope of real Internet usage, especially given Microsoft Research’s own Jim Gray’s economic arguments against bulk transfers at Stanford a few months back.

Jim said that it is cheaper to send a disk drive via FedEx overnight than any of these contests could provide of benefit to ordinary users. Could the CalTech and Stanford work be too early given that hard reality? I leave that to CalTech and Stanford to battle out which is better a decade down the line. But what about what we can study now?

Maybe dealing with that long latency network issue that Beck etal finds makes storage jitter intractable in the first place is the real challenge of the decade.

Recently a few database experts were suggesting that end-to-end principle might be applied to databases. Beck, Clark, Jacobson, … don’t address this. The question “Are database commits end-to-end – do they satisfy the end-to-end principle?” such as that described in the simplest case (akin to a chaotic strange attractor in physics).

Another thing that came up was “When does latency and jitter combine in a chaotic way such that reliability is injured in database transactions?”

Doyle at CalTech speaks of fragility vs complexity, and uses a combination of control theory, dynamical systems, algebraic geometry and operator theory to connect problem fragility to computational complexity, such that “dual complexity implies primal fragility”, in an NP vs coNP way.

It could be that robust yet fragile (RYF) is effective in defining what’s necessary to prove a viable global storage system. EtherSAN approaches the problem by idealizing the simplest end-to-end mechanism, TCP, with fundamental remedies – not increased complexity. RYF would indicate that this radically improves this by removing primal fragility.

All this seems very similar to the old fusion sustained power burst we had in physics a decade ago. Kept everyone busy until the SSC debacle killed everything in the field. Plasma research is only now beginning to recover.

Let’s go back to fundamentals with Clark etal on end-to-end and simply considering Beck’s well-done arguments for small transactions per storage, cleaving to those goals only and not creating new ones. Reexamining definitions, and understanding them better, ala Bohr and mass, but not changing them.

The Perfect Eye

Well, just for fun we followed Autumn along as she entered and competed in the Synopsys Science and Technology Championship with her project The Perfect Eye and created a little video on the science fair experience and at Great America for the ceremonies.

Since the project had the interest of some people in the San Jose Astronomy Association, a little notice on a local astronomy list mentioned the vid – and then the traffic started. Within one minute of posting, people were clicking and watching – thousands of views in less than a week, many repeat complete views. I had to allocate more bandwidth.

I guess everyone loves a science fair.

Massive Video Production (MVP), Berkeley physics, and all that

Wow, after a year of work with my old department at Cal doing a case study of technical issues in massive video production (MVP) for physics alumni outreach, lots of late nights, and crossing my fingers, it all paid off. I got an acceptance to the ACM SIGCHI Advances in Computer Entertainment Conference (ACE2004) to present the results of our work in Singapore in June.

I’ve never been to Singapore before, so I’m really excited. As CTO of ExecProducer, I’m proud of what we achieved over the last year technically. As a Berkeley physics alumna, I’m proud to have done a project with my department. And as a writer, I’m absolutely thrilled that they liked it.

Robotics and the Next Generation

Went to the 2004 First Robotics Regional Competition in Silicon Valley, held at San Jose State University. And it was awesome to see all these kids running their “bots” through the paces. Got some great footage, even though Los Gatos High School’s robot broke midway through competition.

Seeing the excitement, the fun, and the high-tech hijinks reminded me of the days when we were putting together workstations on-the-fly in a Berkeley workstation spin-out called Symmetric Computer Systems. I haven’t seen this kind of serious fun for a long time in the computer biz.

Maybe we should all be building bots…

Interplanetary TCP

Google put out a lunar job listing, for the person who really needs to get away from people.

So I went and asked Vint Cerf “Perhaps this is the first real use of interplanetary TCP?”. He laughed. I think you will too.

OK, I like Google. Always have I suppose, because it’s minimalist. And I like the logo – it’s kind of simple and childish, but it’s very Stanford. Yes, I know, I went to Berkeley, but my dad and brothers went to Stanford, so even if there’s a rivalry, it’s a friendly one. Besides, usually Berkeley gets the axe to grind – I’ll take a bear over a tree anyday.

Welcome to “In the DataCenter” – Topical Internet TV Tech Commentary

Well, a miracle finally occurred – Sun and Microsoft announced today that they were going to kiss and tell. The long-running antitrust lawsuit and bad blood is now at an end. In fact, they are eager to spread their prosperous love!

All the world loves a lover, and no one should miss such a wonderful opportunity. So in the spirit of spreading more good news, I’d like to invite people to tune into a topical Internet TV in-depth technology commentary program we’ve been working on at TeleMuse Networks called In the DataCenter, where we will find out that Making Up isn’t Hard to Do.

In partnership with ExecProducer, a stealth company working on very cool realtime video projects, In the DataCenter uses state-of-the-art video, server, and Internet technologies to instantly create rich media for wired and wireless networks.

Why am I doing this stuff, when I already write for the “dead tree” press? Well, it’s hard to instantly respond to a news announcement like the one today from Microsoft and Sun and place it in a magazine with a 3 month cycle. Yet it’s at exactly these times when expert commentary is most desired. So instead of reading it, we “webvid” it.

So I’m pleased to announce our first public In the DataCenter written, shot, produced and sent to my newsletter groupies the same day the announcement was made. And no, I didn’t know about it ahead of time. I hope you enjoy it as much as my subscription audience did.